"To Be" Lecture Series - THE BIG THINK - Round Table on China's Urban Regions @ShenzhenThe Big Think is a high-profile panel discussion and symposium on the future of the city and large-scale planning in Asia. The Big Think是一个讨论城市未来和亚洲大规模规划的高规模专题圆桌论坛及研讨会。 The future is building in the east. As the world urbanises, much of this growth will take place in urban clusters, such as the Greater Bay Area or Yangtze River Delta, in which rapidly developing cities have aggregated into increasingly integrated and networked urban agglomerations. Cities in rapidly urbanizing regions fiercely compete for amenities, infrastructure and space. The very planning instruments that facilitate their development, also fuel sprawl, land fragmentation, resource scarcity, ecological devastation and contribute substantially to global carbon emissions. As mono-centric cities rapidly morph to form multi-nodal systems, what are the planning models that can be applied to facilitate integrated development? It is essential to develop a model of rapid urbanisation that moves beyond a self-contained nodal understanding to an integrated model of regional urban planning and design. 在东方建设是当今和未来的趋势。随着世界城市化进程的加快,这种增长将主要发生在城市集群中,如大湾区或长江三角洲。在这些地区,快速发展的城市已经日益聚集成一体化和网络化的城市群。这些城市化进程快速的大区域内的不同城市在便利设施、基础设施和空间方面展开着激烈的竞争。正是这些规划工具促进了它们的发展,但同时也助长了城市蔓延、土地碎片化、资源稀缺、生态破坏,以及大量的碳排放。随着单一中心类城市迅速演变成多节点系统,有哪些规划模型可用于促进一体化发展?我们必须发展一种超越自给自足的节点,适用于快速城市化的区域规划和设计的综合性模型。 In contrast to stratified and formula-based approaches to planning and urban design, Big Think is a way of approaching cities as dynamic, evolving and complex systems. The Big Think will provide an international platform for urban thought leaders to develop new models of urban design and planning for future cities. 与分层的、基于公式模版的规划和城市设计方法不同,Big Think将城市视为动态、发展和复杂的系统。Big Think将为城市思想领袖们提供一个为未来的城市设计和规划开发新模型的国际平台。 Event details 活动详情 The event will be organised around three sessions, which focus around key issues of urbanisation with the ambition of developing a critic tool set for approaching city making in an era of networked urban agglomeration. 活动将由三个围绕城市化关键问题的部分展开,并希望开发一套在网络化城市群时代城市建设的评审工具。 Session 1: Urban Edges // 第一部分:城市边缘 As cities expand through population growth and the expanding influence of capital, what are the mechanisms through which we manage and control growth? As cities expand and bleed into rural areas, how do we mediate the relationship between urban and natural environments. How can and other models of design and planning envision cities as an integrated rural-urban system? 随着城市通过人口增长和资本影响力的扩大而扩张,我们管理和控制增长的机制是什么?随着城市向农村地区扩张和渗透,我们如何协调城市和自然环境之间的关系?设计和规划的其他模型如何将城市构想成一个完整的城乡系统?
Session 2: Critical Density // 第二部分:临界密度 The cities of the future must be dense, consolidated and compact. Urban densification is the single most powerful urban response to climate change. What are the instruments that deliver urban density? Who are the key actors, protractors and detractors operating in this space, and how do we provide vibrancy, diversity and difference to create desirable density in our urban environments. 未来的城市必须是密集、牢固、和紧凑的。城市密集化是城市应对气候变化最有力的单一手段。实现城市密度的工具是什么?谁是在这个空间中起作用的关键角色、支持者以及反对者,以及我们如何提供活力、多样性和差异性以在我们的城市环境中创造理想的密度。 Session 3: Exchange Cities // 第三部分:城市交换 Cities are open systems fully reliant on a broader global network of resource and information flows. Urban environments operate as a dynamic field of interrelated elements, both physical and virtual, that are in a constant process of flux and change. How can planners and architects engage with the urban, economic, social and environment systems that organise the city? How can we invent innovative tools and techniques to mediate and managed complex and uncertain site conditions. How will this shape the future of our cities? 城市是完全依赖广泛的全球资源和信息流动网络的开放系统。城市环境是一个有着相互关联元素的领域,包括物理和虚拟的元素,它们处于一个不断变化的过程中。规划师和建筑师如何参与进组织城市的城市、经济、社会和环境系统中?我们如何发明创新工具和技术来调节和管理复杂、不确定的场地条件? 这将如何塑造我们城市的未来? Speakers 演讲嘉宾 Doreen Liu 刘珩 NODE 南沙原创建筑设计工作室 Eric Frijters FABRICactions He Bowen 何博文 BNUVO 华博元城 CEO Jason Hilgefort Land and Civilisation Compositions Long Ying 龙瀛 Beijing City Lab 北京城市实验室 Miaoxi Zhao 赵渺希 SCUT 华南理工大学 Simon Yue 余嘉华 ARUP Associate director urban design and landscape 城市设计与景观副总监 Taneha Bacchin TU Delft 代尔夫特理工大学 Wang Shifu 王世福 SCUT 华南理工大学 Wanyu He 何宛余 XKool Founder & CEO 小库科技创始人兼首席执行官 Gengyuan Liu 刘耕源 Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学 Xiong Ying 熊瑛 Academic director of Turenscape Academy, Turenscape Ltd. 高级景观设计师 土人学社学术总监 土人设计 Organizers 主办方 Vanke Cloud City 万科云城 Turenscape Academy 土人学社 DCF / MARS architects 动态城市基金会 / 何新城建筑事务所 RMIT / NAAU architecture 皇家墨尔本理工大学 / NAAU 建筑事务所 Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 荷兰总领事馆 Moderators 主持人 Dr. Neville Mars 何新城 Dynamic City Foundation 动态城市基金会 MARS architects 何新城建筑事务所 https://burb.tv http://marsarchitects.asia Dr. John Doyle RMIT University Architecture & Urban Design 皇家墨尔本理工大学建筑与城市设计学院 NAAU: Network for Advanced Architecture and Urbanism http://naaustudio.com Registration, Time & Location 报名,时间 & 地点 时间:2019年12月21日 星期六 下午12:30-17:00 请提前15分钟到场 Session 1 第一部分 12:30 Session 2 第二部分 14:00 Session 3 第三部分 15:30 地点:万科云设计公社 广东省深圳市南山区西丽街道打石二路 Please scan this folllowing QR code to register 请扫描以下二维码报名参加活动 报名表提交后工作人员将提前一周 发送确认邮件并邀请入群交流 “To Be”系列沙龙: “To Be”中文翻译是存在、成为的意思,你想成为什么样的人呢?“to be better”-变得更好,“to be continued”-未完待续,土人学社以“To Be”为名,以当下热点内容为话题,邀请行业内一线设计师、学者,引领学员向更好的自己发展,帮助大家成为心之所向。 “To be or not to be,it’s up to you.” 了解更多精彩课程内容 土人学社(TA)成立于2015年,是由美国艺术与科学院院士,国家千人计划专家,长江学者,哈佛大学设计学博士、北京大学建筑与景观设计学院教授俞孔坚发起成立的一个国际设计研学机构。 ............
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